Welcome to the incredible world of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch!This game will take you on a magical adventure between two parallel worlds, the real world and a fantasy universe rich in details and fascinating characters.If you’re about to begin your journey, or find yourself early in the game and need guidance, I’m here to help.Let’s dive together into this detailed step-by-step tutorial that will guide you through the first steps of your adventure.
The Beginning of Your Journey
After the exciting introduction, you will find yourself in control of Oliver, our hero.Here’s a quick summary of what you need to know about the basic controls to get started:
- Use theLeft Stickto move Oliver around the world.
- PressXto interact with characters and objects, especially when you see a speech bubble over someone’s head.
Your adventure truly begins when your friend Phil calls you out.To find Phil, just follow these steps:
- Walk down the street using theLeft Stick.
- Use theXbutton to talk to Phil once you find him.
Before leaving, take a quick look at the top right corner of the screen.You will see a small map, a crucial tool for your navigation.On this map:
- Blue dotsindicatepeople you can interact with.
- Thegold starhighlights your current goal, a visual guide to where you should go if you’re feeling lost.
After your conversation with Phil, your next objective is to return home.PressR1to access a wider view of the city map and locate the gold star that marks your house, located south of the milk store.Head there, and you’ll find Oliver’s house, which is easily identified by the white picket fence with the open gate.PressXto enter and interact with your mother.
After a “robust breakfast” with his mother, you’ll find Oliver prepared to venture out of the house again, this time under the cover of night.But first, you will learn about the importance of saving the game:
- Open the main menu with theTrianglebutton .
- PressStartto access the save option, and then selectYesto confirm saving your progress.
A Secret Mission at Night
With the game now properly saved, it’s time to venture to Phil’s garage for a secret mission.Follow these steps:
- Go down the stairs and out the front door of your house.
- UseR1to open the map and locate Phil’s house, which is in the bottom right corner of Motorville.
- Once you get there, after a brief cutscene and conversation with Phil, he will ask you to check if the coast is clear.
There is no need to open the city map at this time;just take a look at your minimap.Follow the small circle with a pointer and the gold star to reach your destination.
Unfortunately, things start to take a dark turn for Oliver.What seemed like a simple nighttime fling quickly turns into something much more serious.This moment is crucial, as it marks the true beginning of your journey in Ni No Kuni.
Finding the Spell Book
At this stage, you’re about to make a crucial transition with Oliver, the protagonist, as he prepares to explore a parallel world with the help of the eccentric Drippy.
After the turbulent events that left Oliver alone, it won’t take long for him to find new companionship.Drippy will introduce himself with a long story that, although lengthy, is fundamental to the plot.Once this conversation is over, Oliver and Drippy come together with a common goal: traveling to Drippy’s parallel world.But first, Oliver needs a spellbook.
- Locate the Book: The first step is to find the spell book.Leave Oliver’s room and go down the stairs.Head to the room next to the main entrance to the house.There, you will find the fireplace.Approach it, and when an exclamation mark appears over Oliver’s head, pressXto interact and obtain the preciousWizard’s Companion.
- Exploring the Book: With the book in hand, Oliver now has access to a world of magic.You can consult the book at any time by pressingTriangleto open the main menu and selecting the spell book.Here, you can also enter their name, which is a nice little personalization.I suggest using “Oliver” to keep it consistent with the story, but feel free to choose whatever you prefer.
Looking for a Wand
The next step is to find Oliver a wand, something “brown and stick-like,” in Drippy’s words.Sounds simple, right?But this is Ni No Kuni, so expect a little adventure for even seemingly simple tasks.
- Talk to Drippy: Drippy will now take on the role of guide around the city.Talk to him and follow him to the different points where he stops.If you lose track of him, don’t worry!Consult the map to locate the gold star that indicates Drippy’s current position.
- Access to the Bottomless Bag: After two conversations with Drippy, you will gain access to the Bottomless Bag through the main menu.This item won’t be useful right away, but it’s important to remember that it’s there for future adventures.
- Find the Green-Haired Girl: Following the gold star on the map, you will eventually get separated from Drippy and find a green-haired girl in a park.One conversation with her and one scene later, Oliver will finally get her wand.
Launching the Gateway
Now that Oliver has both the spellbook and the wand, it’s time to open the portal to the parallel world.
- Head to the Town Square: With the necessary items in hand, head to the town square.This location is ideal for casting the Gateway spell.
- Open the Spell Book: Once in the plaza, the spell book will automatically open to the Gateway spell page.The book contains three spell guides: Everyday Spells, Battle Spells and All Spells.For now, Gateway is the only spell available.
- Cast Gateway: Select the Gateway spell andpressX.Important to note, Gateway does not consume MP (Magic Points), unlike other spells you will learn later.
First Battle: Facing Ruff
Once you and Drippy find Ruff, the battle screen will appear.This is where most of your adventures and challenges will take place.Oliver, for now, will have limited options, but it is essential to familiarize himself with some aspects:
- HP (Health Points): Represented by the green bar and number in the bottom right corner.Keep your eyes on it, because it’s your life.
- MP (Magic Points): The blue bar next to HP.It will be crucial for using spells later in the game.
In your first battle, your options are: attack, defend, flee, and a magic option that is not yet available.Follow these steps:
- Attack: Choose the “Attack” option bypressingX.Drippy will explain the basics of combat.Watch the enemy’s red bar to get an idea of the damage you are dealing.
- Move: After Ruff attacks, he will drop a green sphere, known as a “glim”.He runs to it to collect it and restore his HP.Blue Glims, which you will find later, will restore your MP.
After defeating Ruff with a few more attacks, you will be rewarded with Exp (Experience Points) and G (money), both essential for your character’s progress and for acquiring new items.
Exploring the Overworld
After the battle, you will have a wide view of the Overworld.Here are some tips for navigating this new world:
- Monsters: They can appear at any time.If you attack a monster from behind, you will gain an advantage in battle.
- Items: Drippy will give Oliver 3 pieces of white bread.Use them wisely to heal when needed.
- Save Game: Always save your progress, especially before entering potentially dangerous areas.
Heading to Ding Dong Dell
Your next stop is Ding Dong Dell.Along the way, you will find ingredients that can be collected by pressingX.These ingredients will be useful for alchemy, a skill you will learn later.
As you approach the entrance to Ding Dong Dell, you will encounter a guard heartbroken by the evil Shadar.It is here that Oliver discovers that he can help people with broken hearts, an essential skill for progressing in the game.
The Journey Continues
To fix the guard’s heart, you need to talk to the Old Man of the Woods.Following Drippy’s instructions and using the map for guidance, you will arrive at the entrance to a dark forest, the prelude to your first dungeon.
Important Tips for Dungeons
- Save Game: Inside dungeons, you cannot save at any time.Look for Waystones, which not only save your progress, but also completely restore your HP/MP.
- Exploration: Follow Drippy through the forest, paying attention to paths and obstacles.
After interacting with the Waystone, continue following Drippy until you find the Old Man of the Woods.
Meeting Your First Family Member
After interacting with Old Father Carvalho, you will learn about the family members.Oliver’s first familiar, initially known as Mitey, will be a valuable addition to his team.You will have the opportunity to name Mitey as you wish, adding a personal touch to your journey.
Expanding Your Magical Arsenal
Old Father Oak generously offers more spells to Oliver, including Healing Touch and Fireball.These spells are accessible through the Spell Menu, opened by tapping the square button.Healing Touch is useful both in combat and out of combat, allowing you to heal Oliver and his family members.Fireball is a powerful attack spell, especially effective against plant-type creatures.
Learning to Fight with Family Members
In battle, you can switch between controlling Oliver or his familiar.Mitey, his first familiar, has a stamina gauge that decreases the longer he fights.When stamina is low, it’s time to switch characters in battle to avoid familiar exhaustion.
Using Tricks and Treats
Familiars can use special abilities called Tricks, which consume MP but offer varied and powerful effects.Feeding your family members treats not only increases their abilities but also strengthens the bond between Oliver and his magical companions.
Preparing for the Guardian
Before facing the Guardian, suggested by Old Father Oak, it is important to return to the forest entrance to save your game.Along the way you will encounter chests and enemies.Use the Waystone at the entrance to restore HP/MP and save your progress.
Heading to Whispering Falls
Following the right path at the fork, you will find treasures and monsters.Enjoy exploring and collecting items.Use the Waystone near Whispering Falls to once again save your game and prepare to face the challenges ahead.
Exploring and Assigning Tricks
As you explore the forest and advance through the levels, your Mitey will learn new tricks.You can manage and assign these tricks through the “Friends and Family” menu.Remember that family members can only remember a limited number of tricks at a time, so choose wisely.
Boss: Guardian of the Woods
When crossing the log that serves as a bridge, prepare for a confrontation with the Guardian.Save your game at Waystone before entering the cave.This combat will be a test of everything you’ve learned so far, especially familiar management and the strategic use of spells and skills.
Preparation for Battle
The Guardian of the Forest is especially vulnerable to fire attacks, making Oliver’s Fireball spell extremely effective.Before starting the fight, make sure you have a good understanding of how to switch between commands and use specific spells.
First steps
Once the battle begins, choose Oliver and use the Fireball spell.This will deal significant damage to the Guardian, given its weakness to the fire element.You’ll need to hit him with several Fireballs, so keep your MP in mind and be ready to collect blue Glims to refill it.
Defending Against Powerful Attacks
Eventually, the Guardian will prepare for a devastating attack.You’ll notice this when it starts to glow or flash, signaling that it’s time to defend yourself.Quickly activate the Defend command to minimize damage.Doing so not only reduces the impact of the attack, but also causes green and blue Glims to be released, helping to restore your HP and MP.
After successfully defending, the Guardian will be stunned for a short period.This is the ideal time to cancel the defense (by pressing Circle) and cast another Fireball spell to deal additional damage.If you perform this sequence correctly, a golden Glim will appear, offering Oliver a super-powerful spell that can be used at no MP cost.
Using the Super Powerful Spell
When you collect the golden Glim, you will unlock a special attack that is extremely effective.Use this moment to deal considerable damage to the Guardian, possibly ending the fight.
After the Battle
With the Guardian defeated, you will be rewarded with experience and perhaps even level up.Return to Old Pai Carvalho to continue your mission.Now equipped with the Medallion, and the Take Heart and Give Heart spells, you are ready to return to Ding Dong Dell and mend the guard’s broken heart.
Informed Stone and Rewards
The addition of the Informed Stone to your main menu provides a rich source of information about the game world.Also, remember to visit Old Pai Oak regularly throughout your adventure.He values hearing about your achievements and will often reward your stories with helpful items and tips.
Ding Dong Dell
Arriving back in Ding Dong Dell after your adventure with Old Father Oak, you will find the world of Ni No Kuni ready to show you the depth of its systems and narratives.Let’s help heal the guard’s broken heart and explore the city some more before meeting up with the Cat King.
Healing the Broken Heart
When you see the guard with a broken heart, you need “enthusiasm” to restore it.Look around until you find another guard who is more excited, practicing an exercise.With your spellbook in hand (press the square button), select the “Take Heart” spell and, after an initial conversation, absorb some of his enthusiasm.
Now, with the enthusiasm stored, approach the heartbroken guard and use “Hearts Give” to transfer that feeling.Choose “Enthusiasm” from the list of heart qualities and watch the transformation.Restoring the broken hearts not only benefits those involved but also grants Oliver Merit Seals, which can be used to obtain special rewards later on.
Understanding the Merit Seal System
By performing good deeds like this, you accumulate Merit Seals, which can be exchanged for unique bonuses.Although the complete system has yet to unfold, keeping this in mind can motivate you to seek to help others through Ni No Kuni.
Finding the Cat King
Before going to meet the Cat King, Oliver needs new clothes to avoid attracting so much attention.There is a clothing store just ahead.Speak to the lady behind the counter to organize your new robes, which will be ready the next morning.
Learning About Badges and Tasks
While your clothes are being prepared, explore the town and find the “Quick Fix” store to learn about Merit Cards and side quests, including specific monster hunts.These activities are not only rewarding but also enrich your gaming experience.
Resting at the Inn
After a busy day, rest at the local inn to restore your HP/MP and absorb stories and knowledge from previous visitors, adding new pages to your spellbook.
Visiting the Cat King
With the new clothes, it’s time to finally visit the Cat King.But, there is a small deviation – the King is looking for his lost red herring.His search for the fish will lead Oliver along a small pier and eventually to a secret garden within the palace.
Rescuing the Red Herring
The gold star will guide you to the herring.Follow her, and after a short chase, you will be able to capture the fish for the King. Don’t forget to collect items along the way, such as white bread in a treasure chest, which may be useful on your journey.
An Audience with the King
After returning the herring, the guard will allow you to enter the castle to meet the Cat King.This is your chance to advance the main story and discover more about the mysteries and wonders of Ni No Kuni.
After discovering that the King of Ding Dong Dell is also suffering from a broken heart, you find yourself on a mission to find and restore the enthusiasm that the monarch lacks.This task, although it may seem challenging at first, is an excellent opportunity to further explore the rich world of Ni No Kuni and better understand how its heart mechanics work.
Using the Informed Stone
When you start the search for more enthusiasm, the Informed Stone is your best friend.This magical item will glow to indicate the presence of a heart virtue nearby.Keep an eye on your mini-map: blue dots that turn green signal that someone nearby has too much of a virtue you need.
Finding Enthusiasm
Your first step is to go out in search of that much-needed enthusiasm.Head towards the entrance to Ding Dong Dell, passing the hotel and the water wheel, until you reach an unexplored area.Remember that along the way you will pass a weapons store, but there is no need to worry about shopping at this point.
The Soldier Boy
In the alley, you and Drippy will find a boy playing soldier, dressed with a pan as a helmet.That’s the spirit of enthusiasm you’re looking for.Interact with it and select the “Take Heart” option from your spellbook.Now you have the enthusiasm needed to cure King Tom.
Returning to King Tom
With the enthusiasm collected, return to the palace and approach King Tom. A conversation will automatically start, allowing you to use “Hearts Give” to transfer the enthusiasm to the monarch.Select the correct virtue, Enthusiasm, to complete the process.
Additional Tips
- Exploration: Take advantage of these missions to explore every corner of Ding Dong Dell.You can find items, side quests and other hearts that need help.
- Item Management: While the weapon shop may not be essential right now, remember where it is for future visits when it needs improvements.
- Interacting with Characters: This process of “Take Heart” and “Give Heart” is central to Ni No Kuni, so familiarize yourself with it.Many quests and story progressions depend on this ability to transfer virtues from the heart.
King’s Rewards
With King Tom back to his normal self thanks to your efforts, he rewards you generously.You receive not only a new wand but also essential spells: “Spring Lock” and “Rejuvenate”.These spells will be crucial to your journey ahead, opening up new possibilities and helping with various challenges.
Preparing at Cawtermaster
The Cawtermaster store, which you may have noticed previously, now becomes a point of interest.Head there to explore the arsenal of weapons, armor and accessories available.While it’s not necessary to purchase anything right away, it’s vital to familiarize yourself with these items to strengthen Oliver and his Familiars.Remember, good preparation is the key to success in future battles.
A Mission to Motorville
When you return to the palace to receive your new wand, you discover that King Tom has disappeared!Drippy explains the concept of soulmates and suggests that King Tom’s Motorville parallel, the cat Toldrum Timmy, may provide clues to the king’s whereabouts.
Gateway to Motorville
Using the “Gateway” spell, you and Drippy return to Motorville.Your investigation begins at the supermarket, where you talk to Leila, without finding many clues.But the mysterious green-haired girl, Pea, appears and takes you to Timmy.
Rescuing Timmy
Following Pea, you find Timmy trapped and take him back to the supermarket.This action reveals a vital clue: King Tom is on a rat hunt.It’s time to return to Ding Dong Dell, with the “Gateway” spell, to continue your search.
Ding Dong Dell: In Search of the King
Back in Ding Dong Dell, you head to the alley where you found the soldier boy earlier.A conversation with him suggests that King Tom may be at Ding Dong Well. This location is the next step in your quest to find the missing king.
Adding a New Familiar
You now have a new companion on your journey, a Thumbelemur, kindly given to you by Stout Tommy.This Familiar has a unique ability called “Psyche Up”, which, when used correctly, allows for stronger and more damaging attacks.Give your new friend a name and prepare to use him wisely in battle.
Understanding Combat
Drippy presents a valuable tip: motion cancellation.By attacking an enemy while they are preparing a skill, you can interrupt their attack.This tactic is two-way, so be alert to protect your own movements as well.
Preparing Your Arsenal
Before venturing into the depths of the pit, consider visiting the weapons shop, Cawtermaster.Here, you can equip your Thumbelemur Familiar and Mite with weapons, armor, or accessories.Remember, the right choice of equipment can be decisive in future battles.
Descending Ding Dong Bell
As you approach the entrance to the well, you will discover that it is locked.No problem: your new “Spring Lock” spell will come in handy here, allowing you to open blue boxes and, in this case, the door to proceed.
Navigating the Well
Upon entering Ding Dong Bem, you will immediately face some common enemies such as Rabbot and Taddlywink.Remember that you can now switch between Familiars during combat.Consider keeping Thumbelemur out until he gains a few levels, ensuring everyone receives experience (XP) regardless of whether they directly participate in the fight or not.
Battle Strategies
- Prioritize your targets: Defeat the Taddlywinks first, as their water magic attacks can be especially damaging.
- Avoid poison attacks: Stay away from the Cobras’ poisonous attacks, positioning yourself to avoid the gas.
Lighting the Way
You will find a room with a Tomb King statue and three pedestals.Use your “Fireball” spell to ignite all three flames quickly, opening a shortcut.Plan your lighting route to maximize efficiency and prevent the flames from going out before you can light them all.
Finding King Tom
After correctly lighting the pedestals and clearing the path, prepare to rescue King Tom. But first, you will face the challenge of the lower sewers and a new enemy, the danglerfish.Use Thumbelemur’s agility and “Psyche Up” ability to gain the advantage in this battle.
Boss – Dock Hickory
Before the confrontation, you will find a Waystone to save your game.This is crucial as it ensures you won’t lose progress before the decisive battle.Step forward and get ready to face the evil mouse who has captured King Tom.
Dock Hickoryis known for its speed and sweeping attacks.The key to winning this battle is to keep your distance with Oliver and his family members, especially when Dock prepares to use his powerful Tailspin.
Combat Strategy
- Dock Attacks: His sweep attacks are fast and brutal.When he prepares for Tailspin, which can confuse and stun Oliver and the Mite, it’s time to switch to Thumbelemur, which is immune to this specific attack.
- Seizing Opportunities: After the Tailspin, Dock will attempt to charge a different attack with his wand, which will inevitably fail, leaving him vulnerable.This is the perfect time to use “Psyche Up” and “Go Wild” with Thumbelemur, inflicting significant damage.
- Distance is Key: Stay away from Dock with Oliver, switching to Thumbelemur when appropriate.Attack with this familiar or use spells while Dock is disoriented.
Health Maintenance
- Healing: It is vital to use bread and healing magic to keep HP above 20. A direct hit from Dock can be devastating, so always be prepared to heal yourself.
- Defense: Be ready to defend yourself or you will suffer severe damage during Dock’s most intense attacks.
After the Battle
Beating Dock Hickory isn’t just a victory;It’s a rescue.With King Tom saved and the wand now in your possession, you also acquire the “Frostbite” spell.But the journey is far from over.Now it’s time to head to Al Mamoon, a city in the desert, where you will seek help from powerful sages.
Before leaving Ding Dong Dell, pay attention to the green dots on your mini-map.These indicate characters with heart virtues available for collection, essential for healing broken hearts across the world.Additionally, glowing blue dots signal characters with side quests, offering jobs that reward merit badges.
Sailing to Al Mamoon
The path to Al Mamoon passes through the Golden Grove, south of Ding Dong Dell.Get ready for a journey through unknown territories, facing challenges and discoveries along the way.
Final Tips
- Explore: Before leaving, explore Ding Dong Dell thoroughly.There may be useful items or information hidden.
- Preparation: Check your equipment, healing items and familiarize yourself with the newly acquired spells.Every preparation now can mean the difference between victory and defeat in future battles.
- Continuous Learning: Each battle and each new area explored are opportunities for growth.Learn from each encounter and adjust your strategy as needed.
Skirt of Ding Dong Dell
Before you depart the charming town of Ding Dong Dell, it’s worth exploring a little more.There are side quests waiting in Quick Fixes, potentially useful items in the weapons shop, and it might be a good idea to restock your supplies at Hootique.This time is ideal to do the available side-quests, which not only enrich your gaming experience, but can also fill your first merit seal card.
As you leave Ding Dong Dell, heading towards the true adventure that awaits you, the Golden Forest is your next destination.Located southwest on the map, this path takes you to a mysterious forest full of challenges.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-7986428657285619&output=html&h=280&adk=3125663665&adf=3450794534&pi=t.aa~a.990608121~i.302~rp.4&w=750&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1710959009&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=6479979219&ad_type=text_image&format=750×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&dtd=33549
Before venturing too deep into the forest, don’t forget to save your game.The path splits between left and right, with each direction offering its own dangers and rewards.To the right, you’ll face enemies known as tykes, similar to your mite familiar, and find treasure waiting.To the left, the main path unfolds with even more formidable opponents.
You will encounter a combination of enemies such as Pom Poms and Bumbler Workers.The strategy here is crucial: use your skills to quickly eliminate Pom Pom, then focus your efforts on Oliver and use his Fireball magic against the Worker Bumbler, taking advantage of his weakness to the fire element.
As you progress through the forest, you’ll have to use clusters of giant mushrooms as platforms to explore higher areas.Be aware of the Incys, opponents with high defense and attack, who are vulnerable to Oliver’s Fireball magic.A well-applied strategy with two or three of these spells could be the key to defeating them quickly.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-7986428657285619&output=html&h=280&adk=3125663665&adf=2444889843&pi=t.aa~a.990608121~i.308~rp.4&w=750&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1710959010&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=6479979219&ad_type=text_image&format=750×280&!6&btvi=4&fsb=1&dtd=34206
During your exploration, you will discover a chest containing a set of Beast Fangs, an item that improves attack.This upgrade is ideal for your Thumbelemur, offering a valuable increase in its offensive potential.
Continuing your journey, ignore the mushrooms that lead nowhere and stay focused on the gold star marked on your map.However, exploring the forest can reveal hidden areas filled with additional items and challenges.The forest opens up, eventually guiding you to a rather peculiar tree, which houses a Familiar egg.
After a brief conversation, you will be instructed to use the Rejuvenate spell on the tree, giving life to a new Familiar who initially decides not to join you.However, as you walk away, he changes his mind and rushes to show you something important, leading you to a dead end with inactive mushrooms.
Here, you will learn the Rapid Growth spell and gain a new companion for your battles: the Seed Sprite.This new Familiar has the ability to Evade instead of simply Defend, offering a new dynamic in combat.
With the path blocked by undeveloped mushrooms, the Rapid Growth spell becomes essential.Use it to make the mushrooms grow, creating a path to continue your journey.
Before leaving the Golden Grove, make one last stop at the Waystone to heal your wounds and save your progress.The exit from the forest is close, but one last adventure awaits you before you reach the Al Mamoon desert.
Boss – Gladiataur
Initially, choose to control Oliver.The key to this fight is to keep your distance and attack smart.Use spells like Fireball or Frost to damage the Gladiataur, while staying safe from its powerful blows.
The Gladiataur has two main attacks that you need to pay attention to: the Savage Swipe and the Everblade.Swipe Savage can be easily avoided with agile movements.However, the Everblade is more dangerous and requires you to defend or avoid at the right time to avoid taking damage.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-7986428657285619&output=html&h=280&adk=3125663665&adf=2217197475&pi=t.aa~a.990608121~i.326~rp.4&w=750&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1710959010&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=6479979219&ad_type=text_image&format=750×280&!7&btvi=5&fsb=1&dtd=34534
When Gladiataur prepares the Everblade, it’s time to use the Seed Sprite.Switch to him and use the Evade skill to avoid the attack.Timing is crucial here, so activate Evade just as the Gladiataur is finishing charging its attack.
Continue the strategy of attacking from a distance with Oliver, using your spells while collecting blue Glims to maintain your MP.When the Gladiataur reaches half its health, it will change strategy and start using short-range attacks.Continue your ranged attacks and stay alert to defend or dodge when necessary.
When the Gladiataur is down to about a quarter of its health, it will attempt a desperate attack.Defend quickly or use Evade with the Seed Sprite to avoid the damage.If successful, the Gladiataur will be stunned, giving you the perfect opportunity for an all-out attack.
Take advantage of the Gladiataur’s stun moment to attack with everything you have.Keep an eye out for a golden Glim he will drop.Pick it up to activate the Miracle Move and finish the fight with a devastating attack.
With the Gladiataur defeated, use the Rejuvenate spell to restore the forest’s dried spring, bringing life back to the forest.Now it’s time to continue your journey towards Al Mamoon.
In the open world, Drippy will recommend avoiding the wandering monsters, which are particularly strong in this area.Listen to their advice and do your best to work around these challenges as you cross the grasslands into the desert.
Exploring Al Mamoon
Upon entering Al Mamoon, you will quickly notice that the town offers many of the same conveniences found in Ding Dong Dell.There is an equipment store and a general store where you can restock or improve your arsenal and healing items.Don’t forget to also visit the errand board, where you can pick up side quests that will yield valuable merit badges.
Your first stop might be the local inn.Not only is it a great place to rest and regain your strength, but it also offers the chance to discover new pages for your spellbook.Look for a blue chest inside the inn;Using the “Spring Lock” spell, you will be able to open it and find a valuable item to restore MP.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-7986428657285619&output=html&h=280&adk=3125663665&adf=4142217299&pi=t.aa~a.990608121~i.344~rp.4&w=750&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1710959010&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=6479979219&ad_type=text_image&format=750×280&!8&btvi=6&fsb=1&dtd=34725
Your main mission in Al Mamoon is to locate the Great Sage Rashaad.Navigating the busy market, you will find Rashaad disguised as a simple fruit seller.A conversation with him reveals a worrying situation: a young woman who is dear to him is suffering from a deep broken heart, a problem that goes beyond simple heartbreak.
To help the suffering young girl, Oliver must take a trip back to Motorville.His goal is to find the girl’s soulmate, whose emotional state directly reflects and influences the well-being of the girl in Al Mamoon.With the “Gateway” spell, Oliver can travel between worlds, thus beginning his investigation.
Before casting the “Gateway” spell and leaving Al Mamoon, make sure you are well prepared.Check your supplies and equip your Familiars with the best gear available.Missions in Motorville can be just as challenging as those in Ni No Kuni, and being well prepared is crucial to success.
With everything in order, it’s time to cast the “Gateway” spell and travel to Motorville.
Your journey begins by running through the charming streets and alleys of Motorville, following the golden star that initially takes you close to Phil’s garage.Here, after a conversation that sheds light on their mission, the star’s location changes, now pointing to the house of a blonde girl known as Myrtle.
When you arrive at the Cartwright residence, you might try a direct approach, knocking on the door to try and talk to Myrtle.However, a passerby tells you more about the family’s difficult situation.When the conventional method fails, thanks to a spell that doesn’t have the expected effect on the lock, it’s time to look for an alternative.
At that moment, Pea appears, bringing an unexpected solution to the impasse.After interacting with it, try the door again.This time, it is unlocked, allowing her entry.Inside the house, you finally find Myrtle.The conversation reveals the sad reality of her life, limited by the restrictions of a controlling father.
The next step takes you to Myrtle’s father Rusty’s garage to confront the source of the broken heart.Before entering the garage, it is wise to save your game, preparing yourself for any challenge that may arise.Inside, the truth comes out: Rusty, like his daughter, suffers from a broken heart.
- Explore: While in Motorville, explore the environment.Additional details and characters can provide context and depth to your quest.
- Preparation: Before taking on tough challenges like the confrontation in Rusty’s garage, make sure Oliver is in tip-top condition with full HP and MP.
- Empathy: This quest is a reminder of the power of empathy and understanding.Oliver’s actions can bring significant change to the lives of the people he encounters.
Boss – Nightmare Rusty
- Defense is Key: Learn to defend or dodge at the right time to minimize damage during battle.
- Take advantage of Glims: Blue and green Glims are essential for maintaining your health and magic during combat.
- Preparation: Make sure Oliver and his family members are equipped with the best items before going into battle.
Before facing Nightmare Rusty, it is essential that Oliver and his family are at level 10-11.This preparation ensures that you have enough strength to face the challenges ahead.
Initially, keep Oliver at a distance, using spells like Fireball or Frost to attack Nightmare Rusty.This approach not only deals damage to the boss, but also allows you to observe and learn his attack patterns without much risk.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-7986428657285619&output=html&h=280&adk=3125663665&adf=1773090806&pi=t.aa~a.990608121~i.376~rp.4&w=750&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1710959011&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=6479979219&ad_type=text_image&format=750×280&!9&btvi=7&fsb=1&dtd=35118
Nightmare Rusty has two lethal attacks that you need to watch out for:
- Hard Heart: This is Nightmare Rusty’s charge attack.Defend yourself in time to minimize the damage.
- Fumes Foul: When he prepares this attack, it is his chance to counterattack.Don’t worry about defending;instead, circle behind him and attack while he’s vulnerable.
During the battle, Nightmare Rusty will drop purple Glims.Unlike the blue and green Glims, which are beneficial, the purple ones deal damage on touch.Avoid them at all costs!
When Nightmare Rusty is low on health, he will try to attack with everything he has.Quickly defend yourself from his final attacks.If you manage to stun him in this phase, take the opportunity to unleash powerful attacks, including using the Golden Glim for a devastating special attack.
With Nightmare Rusty defeated, attention turns to Rusty, who suffers from a broken heart from a lack of kindness.Use the “Take the Heart” spell on Rusty’s wife to collect kindness and then “Heart Give” to restore Rusty to normalcy.
After resolving the situation with Rusty, go back to talk to Myrtle at her house.The restoration of peace in his family marks a turning point in the story, bringing a sense of completion to this stage of the adventure.
With Myrtle and her family now at peace, use the “Gateway” spell to return to the world of Ni no Kuni and continue your quest to find the Great Sage Rashaad.Your next stop is Al Mamoon, where more challenges and discoveries await.
Temple of Trials
As you enter the temple’s imposing front doors, you will be greeted by the Supreme Sage.Well, not exactly him, but rather a figure who represents the supreme authority of the place.After a brief introduction to the workings of the temple, head to the nearest servant to learn about the specific tests you will need to complete: the Test of Wits, the Test of Friendship, and finally the Test of Strength. Each test is found in a specific direction, so get ready to explore.
The Friendship Test
This unique challenge requires you to simultaneously control Esther and Oliver, using the left and right control sticks respectively.Does it seem complicated?It may be at first, but with practice, you’ll get the hang of it.
Position each character on a colored panel to start the test.The idea is to advance carefully, maintaining a steady pace.If someone falls, no problem: just start again.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-7986428657285619&output=html&h=280&adk=3125663665&adf=2308031233&pi=t.aa~a.990608121~i.400~rp.4&w=750&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1710959011&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=6479979219&ad_type=text_image&format=750×280&!a&btvi=8&fsb=1&dtd=35410
As the test progresses, you will need to navigate the characters along separate paths.This requires coordination and patience, especially when you encounter dead ends that require one character to activate a button to help the other advance.
In moments of impasse, advance one character at a time until you find a shiny button.Step on it to create a bridge or path for your companion.Remember, panels only appear when you’re moving, so don’t hesitate to leave one character waiting while you explore with the other.
In the final stage of the test, the switch of sides between Oliver and Esther could complicate things.The best approach is to focus on moving one character at a time, switching between them as needed.At the end of each path, there will be buttons that you both need to activate to build the final bridge.
When completing the last challenge, step on the colored circles to open the exit door.
Reasoning Test
As soon as you enter the Reasoning Test room, you will notice a panel with a peculiar symbol that resembles the letter A. This is where the magic begins.Open your spellbook and prepare to use the Puppet Strings spell, which will be crucial to moving the statues in this test.
Level 1
The first task involves a bit of observation and logic:
- Initial Conversation: A bird will give you valuable clues about the positioning of the statues: the dragon observes the warrior’s sword, the bird is facing the shield, and the beast, well, it looks into space.
- The Solution: Arrange the statues as follows, from left to right: Beast, Dragon, Warrior and Bird.This must be aligned with the tracks, positioning them correctly over the designated panels.
Level 2
This level requires a little more patience and attention to detail:
Perspective is Everything: You need to align the panels so that they match the correct image.The tip is to use your spatial vision to fit everything in the right place.
Panel Map:
0-0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0-0
0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – X – 0 – 0 0
– 0 – X – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0
0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0-0 – 0
0 – 0 – 0 – X – 0 – 0 – 0
0 – X – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0
0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 –
Each “X” marks the location where a specific block should be placed.Make sure each block visually fits into the image you are trying to form.
Level 3
For this last Reasoning Test challenge, the clues are a little more cryptic:
- The Clue: “The bird is linked to the dragon and the moon, and rests on a star.The beast binds the warrior, the moon and the stars, but is confused about its place.”
- Organization of Statues:
- Beast – Warrior – Star – Dragon
- Star – (empty) – (empty) – Moon
- Sun – Moon – Bird – Sun
- Solution: Use the Puppet Strings spell again to position the statues as described.This requires attention to the connection between the mentioned elements.
With the first two tests completed, you’re almost there.Before taking on the Test of Strength, take a break and save your game at the nearest Waystone.This ensures that you won’t lose your progress if you encounter difficulties ahead.
Now, with everything prepared and after a brief conversation with the Supreme Sage, you are ready to face the Test of Strength. This final challenge will test all the skills you have refined so far.
Boss – Bashura
When starting the fight against Bashura, the first thing to do is keep your distance.This giant has powerful punches, so it’s best not to risk it.Go to the Tactics menu and adjust your party’s instructions so they focus on healing and supporting rather than attacking directly.
Bashura has two main abilities that you need to watch carefully:
- Mind Over Matter: Stay away to avoid getting hit by this explosive ability.
- Devastation: This attack is fast and hits everyone, regardless of where they are.Always be ready to defend yourself and minimize damage.
After Bashura uses Mind Over Matter, take the opportunity to attack.If you’re lucky, a golden Glim will appear, providing a great opportunity to deal significant damage.
Keep an eye out for the blue and green Glims that appear when you parry powerful attacks, they are essential for keeping your HP and MP at safe levels.Attack Bashura with magic, preferably using ice attacks like Frostbite, as he has resistance to fire.Keep your health above 40 HP and defend yourself whenever possible to maximize your chances of success.
With Bashura defeated, the Supreme Sage gifts Oliver with incredibly useful spells: Bridge and Broom Broom.Now, get ready for a crucial new skill: creature taming.
Esther gains the Heart Harp, allowing you to dominate defeated creatures.During combat, some monsters, when defeated, will remain on the field with hearts floating above them, indicating that they can be tamed.
You will have the option to choose between three familiars: a duck, a ghost and a plant fairy.The choice depends on your game strategy, but each has its own abilities and advantages.
After taming your new creature, it’s time to learn about metamorphosis.This process allows your familiars to evolve into stronger forms.You will need special items, such as a Sundrop, to initiate the metamorphosis.
Now that you’re equipped with new spells, familiars, and taming abilities, it’s time to return to Al Mamoon and continue your quest.